
A new option for the treatment of diarrhoea

and detoxification of the body


A new option for the treatment of diarrhoea and detoxification of the body.

Based on 400 mg hydrolysed lignin.

Diarrhoea – basic facts

Diarrhoea is defined (WHO) as the passage of three or more loose or liquid stools per day (or more frequent passage than is normal for the individual). Frequent passing of formed stools is not diarrhoea, nor is the passing of loose, “pasty” stools less frequent than twice per day. Diarrhoea is distinguished by specific symptoms (it can be accompanied by abdominal cramps, fever, nausea, vomiting, fatigue and emergency state, bloating, ejection of stool of greater volume), as well as by the severity of symptoms and the length of duration.

Diarrhoea is a disease that is a second leading cause of death of children under the age of five, and it is responsible for more than 700,000 child deaths each year. Majority of people actually die of severe dehydration and loss of fluid (water and electrolytes).

Possible mechanisms of diarrhoea are:

Osmotic overload – diarrhoea occurs when solutions that cannot be absorbed remain in the intestines and bind water (salts, sugars, hexitols, etc.).

Increased secretion – diarrhoea occurs when intestines secrete more electrolytes and water than they absorb (infections, food poisoning, dietary fats, drugs, etc.).

Shortened time of the surface contact – diarrhoea occurs when rapid intestinal transit and / or reduced surface decrease the fluid absorption (inflammatory bowel disease, bowel resection, stimulation of smooth intestinal muscles with drugs, etc.).

There are many causes that lead to diarrhoea:

  • Intestinal infection (Acute Enteric Infection = AEI), including food poisoning, can be caused by: viruses (Rotavirus, Norovirus, Adenovirus), bacteria (Salmonella, Shigella, E. coli, C. difficile), and parasites (Giardia)
  • The administration of drugs (side effects of antibiotics, magnesium drugs, colchicine, chemotherapy)
  • Intolerance to food/nutritional factors (coffee, tea, carbonated beverages, sugary or low-absorbent foods, cow’s milk, fibre-rich fruits: apples, pears, plums)
  • Intestinal Disorders: inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis:
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  • Other gastrointestinal disorders: duodenitis, cholecystitis, celiac disease, pancreatic insufficiency, bacterial overgrowth syndrome (SIBO)
  • Colon cancer and other gastrointestinal tumours

What is “Travellers’ diarrhoea”?

It is an intestinal infection caused by the consumption of contaminated food or water – it occurs as a consequence of unsanitary handling of food (faecal-oral infection). The most common cause is enterotoxigenic E. coli, followed by other bacteria – Campylobacter jejuni, Shigella spp. and Salmonella spp. The viral pathogens that can cause it include Norovirus, Rotavirus, and Astrovirus. Giardia is a major protozoan pathogen found in the Travellers’ diarrhoea. It appears suddenly. The symptoms vary from mild cramps and urgent loose stools to severe abdominal pain, fever, vomiting, and bloody diarrhoea. Untreated bacterial diarrhoea lasts 3 to 7 days, the viral one 2 to 3 days, while the protozoan diarrhoea can last for weeks and months if untreated.

The treatment of diarrhoea

The standard treatment of diarrhoea includes oral rehydration and diet, while antibiotics are administered only in severe cases (vomiting, cramps, fever), bloody diarrhoea, and persistent diarrhoea that are resistant to the applied therapeutic measures. Metronidazole is used in diarrhoea caused by Giardia and other protozoa. The following are used as a support to the therapy: antipropulsives (Loperamide) – reduce intestinal motility, thereby slowing the pathogen excretion (not to be used by patients with fever and bloody diarrhoea), then probiotics and enterosorbents (activated charcoal and lignin).

LIGNIN is the main ingredient of the product FILTRUM®. It is a natural enterosorbent, which is a product of acid hydrolysis of wood. The sorption capacity of lignin is 1,000 times greater than that of the activated charcoal sorption capacity. LIGNIN is a sorbent with a wide spectre of activities. Also, LIGNIN is safer enterosorbent then activated chacoal.

LIGNIN is a polymer of plant origin, a polysaccharide with a developed porous structure. The structure of lignin is modified by processing (hydrolysis) in such a manner as to obtain a wider range of adsorption and adsorb a large number of components and complexes of different molecular weights (endo and exotoxins, viruses, bacteria, and their metabolites). Lignin does not damage the intestinal mucosa. It is not toxic, and it is not absorbed, but completely excreted from the body through faeces within 24 hours. Since it is resistant to gastrointestinal enzymes, lignin is eliminated from the gastrointestinal tract unaltered, and is thus considered a dietary fibre.

FILTRUM® tablets – indications:

  • Diarrhoea of various etiology (bacteria, viruses, parasites)
  • Dysentery, salmonellae, dyspepsia, and toxic infections
  • Food and alcohol poisoning
  • Travellers’ diarrhoea
  • Pyo-inflammatory diseases with floristic intoxication
  • Kidney and liver failure
  • Drug and food allergy
  • Acute poisoning caused by alkaloids, medical products, heavy metal salts, and other toxic agents
  • Dysbacteriosis

FILTRUM® tablets – dosage:

Recommended usage is one dose 3-4 times a day one hour before a meal and/or taking other medications.

The dose depends on age and weight.

Dosage in children:

  • Children younger than 1 year of age – ½ tablet (be sure to consult a medical doctor)
  • Children aged from 1 to 3 – ½ to 1 tablet
  • Children aged from 4 to 7 – 1 tablet
  • Children aged from 7 to 12 – 1 to 2 tablets

Dosage in children older than 12 and adults:

1 to 3 tablets 3-4 times a day one hour before a meal and/or taking other medications

The recommended duration of the treatment is 3 to 5 days for acute infections and poisonings, and 14 to 21 days for allergies and chronic intoxications.

FILTRUM® can be used by pregnant and lactating women, as well as by children younger than one year of age (in consultation with a medical doctor).

The administration of FILTRUM® tablets in alcohol intoxication

In the treatment of alcohol intoxication, the product can be used with other medications, but also independently. Different doses are recommended depending on whether the case is prevention or a therapeutic use of hydrolysed lignin;


Two tablets 20 minutes before the consumption of alcohol and two tablets after the consumption of alcohol.


For men weighing more than 80 kg – 6 tablets taken at once;

For men weighing less than 80 kg and women – four tablets taken at once.

FILTRUM® – advantages over ANTIBIOTICS

Antibiotics are not efficient against viruses!

EMA has banned the use of quinolone and fluoroquinolone antibiotics for the treatment of diarrhoea!

Frequent use of antibiotics creates resistance!

Filtrum® affects all known causes of acute diarrhoea!

Filtrum® is safe, natural, non-toxic, and well-tolerated!

FILTRUM® – advantages over LOPERAMID

Loperamid is not efficient against bacteria and viruses!

Loperamide is contraindicated in Salmonella and Shigella infections!

Filtrum® affects all known causes of acute diarrhoea!

Filtrum® is safe, natural, non-toxic, and well-tolerated!

FILTRUM® – advantages over S. BOULARDI

BOULARDI is not efficient against viruses and parasites!

Filtrum® affects all known causes of acute diarrhoea!

Filtrum® is safe, natural, non-toxic, and well-tolerated!

LIGNIN – has greater adsorptive power than DIOSMECTIT (Smecta®)

Comparative evaluation of the sorption of different enterosorbents in relation to clinically relevant bacterial species (Pereligin et al. 2011) – IN VITRO

Main characteristics and advantages of the application of FILTRUM® tablets:

  • Unique natural product for the treatment of acute diarrhoea and other intoxications
  • Filtrum® affects all known causes of acute diarrhoea!
  • Lignin is a sorbent with a wide spectre of effects
  • Lignin is 1,000 times more efficient than activated charcoal
  • Clinical studies confirmed its efficiency as an independent treatment or in combination with other medications
  • Lignin does not damage the intestinal mucosa
  • It is not toxic, does not get absorbed, does not have a systematic effect, and gets completely excreted within 24 hours through faeces
  • It does not create a resistance
  • It can be used by children and pregnant women
  • Safe – no side effects!
  • It does not have a direct parallel – AVVA Pharmaceutical is the only producer of lignin in the world
  • Safety and efficiency of this product is proven by twenty years of experience at the Russian market!
  • More than 30 million packages sold around the world!

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