
Innovative, orodispersible, organic form of L-selenomethionine with high capability of absorption

SELITOP is the food for special medical purposes which contains selenomethionine (L-selenomethionine) in the dosage of 200 mcg.

L-selenomethionine is organically the best absorptive form of Selenium.
CATEGORY: food for special medical purposes
INGREDIENTS: L- selenomethionine 200 mcg
PACKAGING: 40 orodispersible tablets
DOSAGE: One tablet a day regardless of food intake
SELITOP is a unique product in the innovative form of orodispersible tablets.

The usage of this formula combines several benefits:

  • improved compliance
  • usage without water or other liquids once a day
  • usage with people who have difficulties in swallowing
  • fast disintegration within a few seconds
  • faster and higher absorption
  • pleasant lemon flavour
  • does not contain gluten and lactose

 Selenium is an essential micronutrient with various important functions for human health

Selenium is vital for a large range of biochemical processes with the key role in the maintenance of immuno-endocrine, metabolic and cellular homeostasis.

Low levels of Selenium are connected with serious chronic states such as:

  • thyroid gland diseases
  • coronary disease
  • asthma
  • diabetes
  • tumours

Selenium can be found in various food. Good sources of selenium include nuts (mostly Brazilian nuts), fish (sardines), sea food, offal (kidneys and liver) and meat.

Cereals, vegetables and other plants contain selenium, but it varies depending on the soil they are grown in.

Bioavailability of selenium is much higher when it comes from cereals and grains (80%) than from sea food (20-50%).

Some regions in the world lack selenium (Serbia, the area of former Yugoslavia).

European soil is mainly poor in selenium contrary to other countries such as America, Canada and China.

That is the reason why a large number of people in Europe have small quantites of selenium in blood.


Biological effects of selenium are mainly connected with proteins which contain selenium – selenoproteins.
About 25 selenoproteins are found in human organism, most significant of which are:

  • GPXs (glutathione peroxidase)– protects cells from free radicals – ROS (reactive group of oxygen) and from oxidative stress. Selenium in the form of GPX3 protects thyroid cells from hydrogen peroxidase which is created in the synthesis of T3 and T4 from iodine and thyreoglobulin.
  • DIOs (iodothyronine deiodinase)– creates an active hormone (T3) from its precursor (T4)
  • TRxs (thioredoxin reductase)– creates a cellular redox of the system, essential for cellular proliferation and differentiation.

So, the main function of selenium is that, within the glutathione peroxidase, it protects the body from oxidative stress and plays an important role in the regulation of the production of active thyroid hormone (T3).

The thyroid gland is one of the organs with the highest concentration of selenium.

A low intake of selenium is connected with a higher incidence of thyroid diseases such as hypothyroidism, sub-clinical hypothyroidism, autoimmune thyroiditis (Hashimoto) and enlarged thyroid gland (goitre).


Biological effects of selenium are mainly connected with proteins which contain selenium – selenoproteins.
About 25 selenoproteins are found in human organism, most significant of which are:

  • GPXs (glutathione peroxidase)– protects cells from free radicals – ROS (reactive group of oxygen) and from oxidative stress. Selenium in the form of GPX3 protects thyroid cells from hydrogen peroxidase which is created in the synthesis of T3 and T4 from iodine and thyreoglobulin.
  • DIOs (iodothyronine deiodinase)– creates an active hormone (T3) from its precursor (T4)
  • TRxs (thioredoxin reductase)– creates a cellular redox of the system, essential for cellular proliferation and differentiation.

Dakle, glavna funkcija selena je da u sastavu glutation-peroksidaze štiti telo od oskidativnog stresa i igra važnu ulogu u regulaciji proizvodnje aktivnog tiroidnog hormona (T3).

Štitna žlezda je jedan od organa sa najvećim sadržajem selena. Nizak unosa selena je povezan sa povećanjem incidencije tiroidnih bolesti kao što su hipotiroidizam, subklinički hipotiroidizam, autoimuni tiroiditis (Hašimoto) i uvećanje tiroidne žlezde (struma).


A lot of research has proved that:

  • Supplementation with  selenium significantly reduces the level of thyroid autoantibodies in patients with chronic autoimmune thyroiditis (Hashimoto’s thyroiditis)
  • in population with low level of selenium the prevalence of thyroid gland diseases is increased
  • the supplementation with selenium can recover euthyreoidism in subclinically hypothyroid patients with autoimmune thyroiditis
  • in Graves disease, the therapy with seleniumresulted in the better quality of life, fewer complications in the eye and the postponement of Graves orbitopathy. Further, the supplementation with selenium can improve the effect of antithyroid medicines in patients with recurrent Graves disease
    • These and other similar results led to the inclusion of selenium into therapeutic guidelines of the European Oftalmologic Group for Graves orbitopathy in 2016.

    • state of pregnancy represents a challenge in the treatment of the thyroid gland. Women positive to thyroid peroxidase antibodies (TPOAb) are prone to developing hypothyroxinemia during pregnancy and thyroid dysfunction after the delivery.  The activity of selenium is also noticeable in pregnancy, when it additionally reduces antibodies, significantly postpones the progression of the disease, improves the thyroid echogenicity and reduces the post-partal thyroid dysfunction as well as the incidence of permanent hypothyroidism.
    • The low level of selenium is connected with the increased risk of mortality, poor immunological function and cognitive deficit
    • The higher level of selenium or the supplementation has antiviral effects, it is essential for the successful male and female reproduction
    • Prospective studies generally proved the benefits of the higher level of selenium for the reduction of risks from the prostate, lungs, colorectal and bladder cancer.
    • In patients with coronary disease, the low level of the activity of erythrocyte glutationa peroxidase 1 (selenoprotein) is independently connected with the increase of the risk of cardiovascular occurrence.
    • Even if it is too early to present selenium as an indicator of longevity in older population, the results of large, interventive, randomized research with selenium suggest that this essential element play an important role in the maintenance of health in older people.

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    +381 (0)69 801 47 87

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