6. Master Class – Osteoporosis and osteoarthritis – from pain treatment to funcionality improvement
Hotel Crowne Plaza, Belgrade, 4th – 5th October 2019
The sixth Master Class multidisciplinary gathering of more than 500 participants from the country and the region was held in Belgrade from 4 to 5 October 2020. This year’s edition of the Master Class focused on the topic of pain in patients with osteoporosis and osteoarthritis
The Vemax Pharma company arranged a showroom self-presentation for the professional public from the country and the region.
The emphasis in communication with congress participants was primarily put on the Synosteo® product, which stands out with its composition and therapeutic use in patients with osteoporosis, osteopenia, post-fracture conditions, or in support of healthy bone metabolism, but also in presenting the benefits of other products, such as Neuronal®, Combinerv® and Arthronal®, which are related to the profile of this conference.