Third Serbian congress on menopause and involutive hypoandrogenism

Belgrade, 18th – 19th October 2019

Organized by the multidisciplinary Association for Menopause and Involuntary Hypoandrogenism, the Serbian Association for Gender Endocrinology, the Endocrinology Section of the Serbian Medical Society, the Faculty of Medicine in Belgrade, the Clinic for Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism of the Clinical Center of Serbia, with the following topic: THE APPROACH TO IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF LIFE IN MIDDLE AGE.

The Vemax Pharma company arranged a self-presentation showroom for the professional public from the country and the region.

The emphasis in communication with the congress participants was primarily on Synosteo®, which stands out by its composition and therapeutic use in patients with osteoporosis, osteopenia, post-fracture conditions, or in support of a healthy bone metabolism. Also, we had the opportunity to introduce a wide portfolio of products intended for internal medicine and endocrinological patients: Selitop®, Cardiovasc plus®, Combinerv® and New Iron®.